Wednesday 21 January 2009

Why choose is an established hotel booking agency based in Greece, owned and operated by hotel and tourism professionals. Our philosophy is simple – to give you the best available service in assisting you to find the best quality hotel deal at the best possible price!

At, we aim to make it easy for you to find and book from our wide range of hotels in Greece and other major destinations. We have more than 150 hotels in Athens that you can view and book online ranging from Hilton, Marriot, Intercontinental, Sofitel, Novotel, Travelodge, Best Western, Comfort Inn, Days Inn, Holiday Inn, and Classical Hotels. We offer quality accommodation, ranging from low-cost privately owned guest houses to five star global chains.

Most of the hotels are located close to major attractions each city like for example our London hotels which are near the Covent Garden theatres, Royal Albert Hall, Madame Tussauds, Tower of London, London Aquarium, London Eye, Regents Park and Hyde Park. We offer accommodation in Kensington, Chelsea, Victoria and Mayfair as well as Bayswater, the City, the West End and Notting Hill. Many of our properties are also ideally situated near Oxford Street, Harrods, Knightsbridge and Kensington High Street for excellent shopping.

Our rates are much below published rack rates and include local taxes, service and continental breakfast so the price you see is the price you pay. There are no additional fees or charges. directory helps save you both time and money. Your credit card details are transmitted securely utilizing the latest secure server technology, so that you can be confident about the safety and privacy of your details. Your reservation is processed smoothly by efficient, knowledgeable and multilingual staff from our offices.

You can check prices and availability at your leisure and book securely at the click of your mouse. We also have a wide selection of theatre and dinner packages and sightseeing packages available to compliment your stay. And if one of the particular packages we’ve put together for your stay does not suit, we welcome your request!!
For groups of 10 or more, we can offer even further savings on accommodation services, coach hire, airport transfers, sightseeing tours, extended coaching tours throughout Europe destinations.

Ask for group services.

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Online Hotel Booking